Full Stack Web Development, Javascript, React, Ruby, Rails, SQL, HTML, CSS, UX/UI, Bootstrap, Sass
Learn more about what I do
I started my professional career as an engineer in the construction industry. Working on various projects gave me valuable experience in problem-solving, attention to detail, and the ability to manage complex tasks. However, my passion for technology and coding eventually led me to transition into a new career as a full stack web developer.
My programming languages are JavaScript and Ruby, and I am experienced in using libraries such as React and frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Vite.js and Next.js. I take great pride in creating visually appealing and responsive websites and web applications that not only look great but also function seamlessly. I'm curious person at heart and I'm always looking to learn new things and improve my coding skills.
In 2022, I completed a Le Wagon coding bootcamp, which was a major accomplishment for me. I have also completed 4 certifications from freeCodeCamp, which represent approximately 1200 hours of coursework in total.
In 2023 I was invited to join IBM Skillbuild Front End Web Development Bootcamp, and completed this course over the summer.
I consistently work to become a better developer. In addition to this portfolio site, check out my GitHub to see what I've been up to.
Please explore my portfolio on the next page and get in touch if you have any questions or opportunities for collaboration.
A tinder-like home finder app. Find your dream home by swiping. An app to make apartment hunting fun and efficient.
Withings ScanWatch data reader.
A web application to browse, search, store and edit Pokémon from the PokéAPI
Instant messenger.
A native Android app powered by ChatGPT.
Browse by categories and upload images.
React portfolio site
The frontend of the Spotify artist page.
Buying and selling used things online.
A reddit clone.
A Node.js chatbot with ChatGPT for the CLI
A site that fetches my solutions to the yearly advent code puzzles from Advent of Code
Download my resume here (pdf).
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